Time is running quickly, i was here for almost 3 months. But i think i still got nothing. OMG i have only a week to complete all my project and the report as well (IC design, EDA tools nad VHDL). I dont know either i can finish it or i will get stuck at the end of this week. argghh.. this week gonna be my worst week ever. No playing, no enjoy, no chill out, no camberwell (sunday market here), no chatting at all. But even i realized i got no time, i still going slow and nothing done today. kind of tension i thought. and also feel sort of sleepy, champion league final last night caused me that feeling. Thanks GOD, chelsea defeated to man u (sape suh kalauhkan liverpool..hehe). what the wonderfull day today, starting with 4 degree C in the morning, and now being a little bit hot but still cold for me. Here I got my new picture, it is not related to this blog post actually. It showed that me really enjoy well being here. I got another 13 months here. Thanks GOD, still can breathing for this, hopefully will still breathing tomorrow ( caused i still got things to do).
those pictures taken in Wiiliamstown. sweet... eceh
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6 months ago