Last April 6, we all were celebrating nazrul birthday in Sahara (got to stop in Anstey station by using train but by izza guide we all sesat and stop at moreland station which is 10 minutes walking to sahara). It was a arabic restaurant that selling cake (i love chocholate cake and cheese cake) and pizzas. A 2 days before, me and akmal went to DFO (many factory outlet store here suuch FCUK, Timberland, FILA, Levi's etc) seeking present for nazrul. So i got carlton AFL ball for nazrul. I hope he will like it even it was not so costly. The members that also involved in this party were abg zairi, abg ijam, kak ina, umar, izza, akmal, me and of course nazrul the birthday boy. Actually, the celebration started after magrib pray. we performed our pray in masjid in Brunswik. We met some people there which very friendly. And met some friend of akmal.. oh gosh.. they were very fluent in english.. whattha....we had ordered4 differences cakes (choc cake, cheese cake, lemon cake, also choc cake but it a lil bit different but i forgot the name). We also had 2 large pizzas.... Before this, i'm not very interested with pizza, but i came here everything being different in me. After got full in our stomach, we all given our present to nazrul. As the pro photographer, abg ijam took some lovely moment there.
Apa Pengertian Komik Menurut Bahasamu Sendiri
6 months ago
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