As I told you yesterday, I am out of the job right now. I am free and I just like to cook. I have no talent on cooking at all. Even so, I always keep helping my mother in the kitchen while I am in Malaysia. From peeling the onion, garlic, potato to washing the dishes. Those are my routine jobs.
It is difference here, I have to cook myself otherwise I will be hunger. Believe or not today I had cooked a sambal terung and telur dadar.
Even though it was not so delicious as my mom cook, but as long as I am the one who gonna eat it so I think it is okay. At least I had something to eat this evening.
Here is the evidence.
Apa Pengertian Komik Menurut Bahasamu Sendiri
6 months ago
perghhh...sedap syialll..hehe
cam sedapp weihhhhh....
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