What a wonderful and peace this morning. I feel like i am being in very quite place with nobody else intruding me. Its in my bed actually, start to type something today after i didnt update it for last couple days. Hopefully, i can really make it.
Guess what, i already finished watching Gossip girl (xoxo) and Californication. I have no idea why they made that such episode story in just 1 month displays to be settled. Both of this story actually end up with unpredictable ending. Its total difference with another movie that i have been watched before. I am not a good promoter, but if i am really satisfied with the film, then i take that responsibility to do so.
Frankly speaking, I am not kinda film or movie addicter. But since i was so bored then i feel the emptiness in my time have to be filled with something, then started to find an easy going film and somehow can giving me some aspirational. what the h**l that i am talking about (this is the some example that i am influenced by david duchovny).
Even someone thinks that these 2 short films might be given the negative influences to the viewer, but actually we as a human being, we knows how to differentiate between the good and the bad thing, am i right? what ever negative scene that the film director included in that film, is not a big deal for me. what i wanted to emphasize here is what the exactly he or she wanted to end up the story. definitely, both of the story ended up with some morales to me.
I am kinda like to use "end up" lately. hehe...
So it finished what I am wanna to tell for this morning...
Yesterday, I met my previous lecturer in UniMAP, now he still struggling with his PhD in same university of mine. (proudly to be Victorian Uni student).
Actually, I was planned to finish my Advanced VLSI project (its shift register using transmission gate as a D flip flop on it) . But we just can plan it and the God ensuring what will gonna happen next. Luckily, really thank to God, its been a long time i didnt see that kinda good lecturer to me.
We had a pretty long chat together from the entrance of the mosque till end up at his office. He told me from how he started to select VU as the place to further his PhD until the day he successfully done his project. I am not really sure about his project title, but it i something related to pressure sensor using micro electro-mechanical systems (MEMS). its is really high end of the chip fabrication technique. I eager to get involve in that field but i have to do a lot of things for it since i am totally zero on it.
Yufridin said "the Phd is totally difference to your master study, its a long journey"
He also added "saya baru tahu sekarang, kalau you amik PhD nanti, you kene control the supervisor and dont let he or she control you as 100%"
Thanks for the advises.
Still mumbling here, I forgot to get ready for Abg Zul a housewarming so called. hehe... Credit to Abg Zul, he is really awesome in cooking. I am not kidding... trust me... hehe... even he is a good photographer as my second credit to him.
Have to get ready.
Chiao for now
Apa Pengertian Komik Menurut Bahasamu Sendiri
6 months ago
After a few days ke? I think after weeks.. baru la ada new post =) waaaaa nak soto nak soto.. tak acisss! *drooling*
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