After almost 5 months am here, finally I met kangaroo yesterday.It was a wonderful time to me since it is included in my wish list to meet them here.
Huh.. sorry for not telling u all about my trip to Adelaide... the city of church.... no wonder there are so many church here.
ALIYAH, Akmal, Ina, Effy, Kak Dila, Abg Zul, Bro Nazrul and me had a budget trip for 2 days to Adelaide. It was a long journey trip frankly I never travel for that very far trip before.
As usual our main purpose is to take as many pictures as we can during our occasion there. And it was successfully achieved. Congratulation my friends...
A moment with kangaroos and koalas will am not forgotten forever. So my wish to meet kangaroo was accomplished yesterday. Only god knows how was my feeling when I was meeting them. Cool huh... But how can I do to my wish to bring kangaroo to Malaysia... is it possible? unless I have a pouch like them... probably I can bring one. Impossible rite?
Before I got sleep, here my photos my kangaroo. Thanks to bro Nazrul for this lovely photos. I like it...
see...I was so happy being with the kangaroo... ohh poor little kangaroo hungry ye, I got some cornflake for u... yum yum.. great huh??
wish list:
a) meeting kangaroos : done
b) meeting koalas : done
Needs to get off... it 1259 am here.
Apa Pengertian Komik Menurut Bahasamu Sendiri
6 months ago
Hey Malee, seems like meeting Mr.Kangaroo and Bro.Koala was the BEST part of your trip to Adelaide-SA. Happee for u. It takes a year for me to hug and have a close-up with koala, so u shud be proud for seeing them in only 5-months u've been here!
hehe.. i'm very happy u know.. but what can i do, got not enuff money to hug the koalas... hehe...
best woo pegang koala.. bulu gebu2
NVM Malee.. U'll definitely have another chance to. This is only ur first semester. No rush. When it's time, surely u'll have the chance to hug koala.
malee, u forgot to mention my name... how sad... :'( takmo kawan la cenggini...............
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